Acupuncture has been practiced in eastern countries for 2,500 years. It is a traditional form of Chinese Medicine based on the theory that our body’s motivating force (Chi) moves through a network of channels that run beneath the skin and that illness arises due to blockages in the energy flow. Acupuncturists insert fine needles into points along the channels in order to re-balance the body’s energy, with the aim to restore health and a feeling of wellbeing. Treatment may also include the use of Moxibustion or infrared heat lamps.
For more information have a look here.
Go to our Acupuncturists’ pages (Suzie Maddison and Jo Llewellyn) to find out more about them and their treatments.
I am a Classical acupuncturist, and have trained extensively in Chinese medical and acupuncture theory, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with a focus on the Classical Five Element approach.
My background was originally in the Theatre/Ballet and Opera world, where I worked as a designer and production manager for 30 years.
Acupuncture helped me to survive a stressful job and supported me through many challenging stages of my life. Inspired by how integral these therapies had become in my life, I decided to change direction in 2016
We are all individuals, and my approach to treating is to tailor make a unique treatment plan for every person. At your initial consultation I will build up a detailed picture of your unique system, and how it responds to the world around it. I can then identify key areas of weaknesses or blocks that may be holding you back from a balanced state of body and mind.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council as well as the British Standards Authority.
I have experience treating muscular-skeletal problems, women’s health issues, fertility, anxiety & depression, chronic pain, migraines, asthma, overactive bladder, general malaise and fatigue, long COVID amongst many other conditions.
Suzie is fully qualified in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with a first class BSc (Hons). She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and as such, on the voluntary register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
Suzie discovered acupuncture when working long and stressful hours in advertising. She was so inspired by its power she quit her job and retrained as an acupuncturist. She has experience treating a wide range of conditions including sports injuries, pain management, stress, infertility, insomnia to name but a few. She is happy to talk to you about your condition and whether acupuncture is the way forward for you.