Our Osteopaths Lyndsay Mudford and Nikki Moss specialise in treating vocal problems that are associated with tight muscles around the larynx.
Those particularly affected are singers, actors, teachers, public speakers – and others whose
work involves a high vocal load.
They can also help some whose voices have been affected by strokes, throat surgery and
You can read their Full Article by clicking here to learn about symptoms, causes, and what they can do to help.
Contact Us
If you would like to contact them to discuss before making an appointment, please contact our Centre by phone or email. We look forward to helping you!
Photo credit: Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Unsplash
This is a FREE event, facilitated by Mary Galbraith, Mindfulness Health Practitioner.
TO BOOK your place:
Telephone: 020 8297 8887
Email: info@chc-lee.co.uk
In today’s society we appear to be experiencing an increase in the demands on our time and a decrease in the time available to recover from these demands.
This can result in feelings of stress and pressure as well as finding ourselves playing endless games of catch-up.
This problem can be seen in many areas of our lives with reduced levels of resilience to normal life events and the risk of psychological & physical ill-health.
By the end of the talk you should be able to:
• Identify Hidden Factors that increase stress/anxiety
• Identify Physical & Psychological Signs of Stress in Yourself & Others
• Identify Mechanisms to Reduce Physical & Psychological Signs of Stress
• Identify benefits of Building Resilience
• Identify Mechanisms to Build Resilience
To find out more please click the flyer link below
Building Resilience & Wellbeing Talk Mary Glabraith Flyer 24 September 2018 5.45-6.45pm, FREE
Many of us love the summer months when we can spend time outdoors – in the park, gardening, taking long walks, trips to the beach or travelling on holiday. However, the Summer is not without its hazards.
There are a few first aid Homeopathic remedies you may want to pack along with you to help make your Summer more comfortable. Visiting a homeopath for in depth, individual treatment is often the best way to be treated.
Read more in an article by Maureen Chapple (RSHom), one of our Homeopaths, here: TIPS FOR A HEALTHY SUMMER WITH HOMEOPATHY
In a few weeks it’s National Migraine Awareness Week. If you have decided that you want to look for an alternative or complement to medication then you’re in the right place!
But when you look at our website (www.chc-lee.co.uk) you might very well feel confused. Which therapy, or combination of therapies will help you to solve the riddle, and pain, of your migraines? Look out for our blog on headaches and migraines coming up soon.
For now let’s explore in a more general sense how you might go about choosing a type of treatment.
Choosing a complementary therapy depends on your specific needs, preferences and the health issues that you want to address. It’s important to remember that complementary therapies are there to complement conventional treatments and not to replace them.
Many complementary therapies can help alleviate the symptoms of the same issue so how do you choose?
It’s important to understand that health issues and illnesses don’t randomly appear from nowhere. It may feel that way, but they don’t. There is always something that has created a stress on the body, you may just not know what it is. It may be acute; an accident, an emotional trauma, a virus, bad food etc. Or it may be chronic; work stress, relationship stress, long term pain, birth injury, financial difficulties, effects of pollution, bullying etc.
It’s also important to understand that those stressors cause change in the body and that they can often be reversed or alleviated with the right treatment. When choosing a therapy it’s really important that it doesn’t cause additional stress so if you’re looking for soothing touch but are anxious about taking your clothes off Holistic Massage may not be the therapy for you but Tui Na Massage Therapy might be because all the treatment can be done through clothing. You may be afraid of needles so Acupuncture might cause you stress whereas Homeopathy may feel more comfortable.
You can research the therapies you are considering, both on the internet and amongst friends and colleagues. You may know someone who has eased their headaches using a combination of Osteopathy and Tai chi for example. Bear in mind that complementary therapies do not claim to cure particular conditions but seek to create holistic wellness which often alleviates the symptoms.
Something to bear in mind is that sometimes what works for one person is not so good for another. This is because we are all different. And all of us have a different relationship with our practitioners. You are very welcome to ask for a short call with any of our therapists. Discuss your intentions and expectations with them. You’ll know straight away whether you think you’ll get on with them.
On our website you’ll find plenty of information about the therapies and the practitioners. Also keep an eye out for our social media pages. Or of course pop in to the centre where our receptionists will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Ultimately the choice of complementary therapy is personal and based on several factors; there are not really any rights or wrongs. The therapies we offer at The Complementary Health Centre in Hither Green originate from many different parts of the world and traditions and can work on the same complaints; for example, Osteopathy, Tui Na Massage Therapy and Holisitic Massage will all help with muscular tension. Just make sure you happy with your decision and that you have taken any medical advice regarding your condition and medication that you need.
Be well!